What are Invisalign attachments and why you might need one?

With the advent of clear aligners and the Invisalign technology, straightening teeth is now more convenient, effective, and comfortable. This type of orthodontic treatment has been used by many globally as a go-to solution for crooked teeth and bad bites. This is done through a series of trays replaced every couple of days (mostly two weeks).

Invisalign offers many advantages compared to traditional metallic braces. For starters, it is made out of clear plastic, meaning it is virtually invisible to a not so keen eye. Moreover, the trays are removable, meaning you can take them out whenever you want to, especially when you want to brush or floss your teeth.

Since they serve the same purpose as braces – to correct abnormalities in the jaw and teeth, Invisalign aligners are purposely designed to be ill-fitting. Whenever you first put them on, they’ll feel a little too tight or snug. The user might even find it a little too difficult to put them on and off at times.

Essentially, these aligners are not made to fit your teeth but instead are shaped to fit the preferred position and expected alignment of your teeth after each phase. Like any other orthodontic treatment, some patients may require extra care, which sometimes involves having attachments to boost the process.

So, what do Invisalign attachments do?

What are Invisalign attachments?

When Invisalign was first made available to patients, most Invisalign reviews pointed out that it wasn’t the best solution for those that had severe complications. For instance, if the patient was experiencing significant malocclusions or crowding, they’d have to use a set of metallic braces.

While Invisalign isn’t still the best solution for severe complications, the treatment has evolved and can now be used on serious cases, thanks to Invisalign attachments: little dots made with the same material as the aligner trays and meant to help your teeth move properly.

How do Invisalign attachments work?

Invisalign attachments are directly applied to your teeth and are virtually imperceptible, thanks to their tooth-colored material. They work the same way as brackets in metallic braces by using precise shaping, which allows them to create new pressure angles.

They assist in repositioning your teeth into the preferred position as they aid the aligners to have a better grip on your teeth. They are also removed once you’re done with your treatment without leaving a trace.

Risks involved with Invisalign attachments

1# Staining

As mentioned in this post, Invisalign attachments sit on the surface of your teeth. This can act as a gateway for plaque build-up around the attachments. Failure to practice good dental hygiene with the attachments on might lead to discoloration in these areas.

Moreover, exposing the attachments to darker liquids like coffee or red wine can make them stained. This reduces the ‘invisibility factor,’ especially with your Invisalign attachments on front teeth.

2# Tooth decay

Besides worrying about Invisalign attachments staining, you may also be concerned about tooth decay and probably cavities. It is possible that particles from the foods you eat or drink get trapped around the attachments.

Eating with Invisalign attachments is not a concern, but teeth can decay, primarily due to mineral loss, without a proper dental hygiene strategy.

Do attachments affect the cost of your Invisalign treatment?

There are a couple of factors that impact the cost of your orthodontic treatment. The average price of Invisalign is said to be more or less the same as braces, only that it might get a lot more expensive depending on the location, dentist, and severity of the condition.

As highlighted in this post, Invisalign can be used as a solution to abnormal bites. However, you may require extra care and services if your case is determined to be severe. Here, your orthodontist may recommend getting attachments which will play a huge role in getting a perfect smile.

Ultimately, as attachments are used for more severe conditions, the cost will eventually rise. Fortunately, there are several ways to get Invisalign discounts.

Taking care of your teeth with Invisalign attachments on

Taking care of your teeth with Invisalign attachments requires the same routine as you would with only Invisalign aligners. To begin with, it is a rule of thumb that you must have your aligners on for at least 22 hours every day. You can only be allowed to take them off on special occasions, such as brushing teeth, flossing, eating, and drinking anything else besides water.

By taking care of your aligners, you also take care of your attachments. Ensure that you master how to clean Invisalign retainers.

However, you should also be attentive, and whenever you notice anything wrong with the attachments, you need to communicate with your dentist as soon as possible. One of the instances that might lead to this is when you notice that some Invisalign attachments fall off or are loose.

Furthermore, attachments may make it a little more difficult when inserting or removing your aligners, so you need to take extra care when doing so, especially for the first few days. Be sure to contact your Invisalign doctor whenever you feel uncomfortable or would like to have your Invisalign attachments removed.


Most frequent questions and answers

It shouldn’t surprise you to see your Invisalign attachments falling off. Exerting too much force on your attachments might force them to loosen or even break off. Should your Invisalign attachments fall off, you need to consult with your orthodontist as soon as possible to prevent the teeth from going back to their initial position.

Staining is common with Invisalign attachments only if you do not adhere to a strict dental hygiene program. Drinking darker liquids, such as coffee or red wine, without proper cleaning afterward, makes the particles stick to the attachments, eventually staining them.

After you have opted to undergo Invisalign treatment, your orthodontist will recommend whether you’ll need attachments or not. In most cases, patients who require Invisalign attachments have more complex dental concerns.

Invisalign attachments are not necessary for simpler cases. During your consultation, the orthodontist will recommend whether you’ll require the aid of attachments to help move the teeth to the preferred location.

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